Burden ![]()
Our burden is found within Ephesians 5:16 which says, “Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” KJV
As we look at this verse, we discover that it contains both good and bad news. The bad news is simply that “the days are evil.” This is seen in so many ways throughout our nation. Wickedness is ramped, Churches are closing their doors, and many of God’s people deny that there is even a problem. Thankfully, there is also good news.
The good news is that God has a solution, and His name is Jesus Christ! We can redeem the time! Through the preaching of the word of God there can be a revival of the people of God. When there is a revival of the people of God there will be a renewal of the work of God. My friend, the answer for all of the world’s problems is the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
We have a great burden for revival in the United States of America, and also to help our missionaries on the field wherever they may be. Through the use of an airplane, we can not only redeem time, but also reach souls in remote areas. The focus of this ministry is threefold. It is evangelization, transportation, and instruction.
First and foremost, we want to help the man of God evangelize the field where God has put him. This can be done through evangelistic outreaches such as canvassing a city (do or knocking), tent meetings, revivals, and mission’s conferences etc.
Next, through transportation, we’d like to convey the man of God, people of God, and the word of God to the mission field. An aircraft can be utilized in so many ways. In addition, I firmly believe that a good mission’s trip will not only be a blessing to the missionary, but to the travelers as well. They will return with an enhanced vision for worldwide missions.
Finally, our goal for instruction is to teach other missionaries how to fly so they can reach more souls for the cause of Christ. In reality, there are literally thousands upon thousands of people in remote areas around the world that need Christ. Often the best and most practical way to reach many of these people is through the use of an airplane.
In the days in which we live, we must consider the imminent return of our Saviour and Lord. As a Christian, it is absolutely imperative that we redeem the time!